“Equal rights, equal opportunities: Progress for all”
March 8th is International Women's Day, a day that is recognized globally and in many countries
celebrated as a public holiday. Its annual commemoration brings into sharp focus the contributions
of women to the development efforts in all parts of the world. Bringing the focus closer home the
International Women’s day has been used by many African leaders to give an account of what they
have done successfully or otherwise to improve the lives of women and girls in their respective
countries. Since its first commemoration in 1975 during the International Year for women and later
throughout the global Women’s Decade (1976 – 1985) it was recognized internationally and in all
regions of the world that women and girls were not equally enjoying their rights compared to men
and boys. The purpose of the day therefore is to constantly remind men and women that without
the fulfillment of women’s rights to equality, development and peace we cannot achieve
sustainable progress for all.
Each year a theme is chosen at the international or national levels to guide the activities organized
in commemoration of the day. The theme for the 2010 women’s day celebrations is: “Equal rights,
equal opportunities: Progress for all.” It is the most appropriate theme for the year as 2010 is the
review of the implementation of the Beijing Commitments made to women by world leaders of 192
countries in 1995 at the Fourth United Nations World Conference on Women.
It is thirty–five (35) years since the first commemoration of the Women’s day. What is the
significance of the celebration today? Apart from the usual singing and dancing, spending the
meagre resources allocated to the national women’s machineries on the national celebration events,
the staging of colourful parades and the attentive listening to the rhetoric of our leaders, what are
we really celebrating on March 8th 2010? Have we achieved equal rights and equal opportunities for
all women, or for men and women?
The response to this question is a resounding “No.” Despite the promises and commitments made
by world leaders in four global conferences on Women to address the complex issues that deny
women equal rights and opportunities the pace of change has been very slow. At the Fourth World
Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in 1995 the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA)
adopted as the blueprint or framework to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment
goals as essential requirements for achieving progress for all. In March 2010 representatives of
member states of the United Nations are meeting at the 54th Session of the Commission on the
Status of Women (CSW) to review the progress made in the implementation of the Beijing
Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA). It is fifteen years since Beijing. Have the daily realities
of the lives of women and girls that make up more than half of the population of the world been
transformed? The reality is that women especially in Africa are still waiting for the promises of
Beijing to be realized in her life. SHAME!!!
Based on the findings of the progress review reports from Africa the gains are far below the
expectations of women. The situation of the African woman has not indicated significant change in
terms of the quality of life and the current global economic and financial crises, the prolonged
conflicts and situations of insecurity in many parts of the continent plus the climatic changes
affecting agricultural production and food security all combine to pose new threats to the
sustainability of the gains. Inspite of the global focus on the reduction of poverty in the world,
which in 2000 led to the adoption of the 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) majority of
Africans are still living in poverty.
All countries in Africa have placed poverty reduction high on their respective agendas and have
continued to heighten their actions and policies to address it especially in the last 15 years.
However, more than 50% of the people in Africa are poor. According to the UNECA Report of 2009
forty four per cent (44%) of Africa's population lives below the region-wide poverty line of $39 per
capita per month. However, the extent and severity of poverty varies among the sub-regions. The
least prevalent incidence of poverty is found in the North African sub-region where 22 per cent of
the population lives below the sub-regional poverty line of $54 per capita per month. In Sub-
Saharan Africa, 51 per cent of the population lives below the regional poverty line of $34 per capita
per month. In Sub-Saharan Africa, the incidence of poverty in rural areas tends to be higher than
that in urban areas. The majority of African women live in the rural areas engaged in agriculture
and it is this sector which has the lowest levels of income growth thus having women as the
majority of the poor people in Africa.
The key message for 2010 Women’s day celebrations is that the progress made in reducing gender
gaps in several sectors and under each of the critical areas of concern highlighted in the BPfA is far
below the expectations of the African woman. Fifteen years since Beijing majority of African
women are still experiencing discrimination in their public and private lives. Many still experience
poor health due to limited access to quality health services and poor economic capacity; majority
are in low paying jobs in the informal sector with no provision for social protection. One in every
three women in Africa experience some form of violence in their life time. The wars and conflicts on
the continent continue to expose women to untold suffering and loss of livelihood due to prolonged
periods of displacement and many have fled their countries as refugees and are living in squalid
conditions with little hope of over seeing their homeland again. The patriarchal systems continue to
perpetrate male dominance and control over resources combined with backward or outdated social
and cultural practices remain the biggest threat to African women’s emancipation and
Women in low income brackets, internally displaced women, women with disabilities are often
among the most affected by the discriminations that manifest in different forms. Many African
women are denied equal rights in employment when they are paid less than men for similar or
comparable work; they are denied promotions and training opportunities due to their reproductive
roles and responsibilities; shut out of high paying jobs and occupations because of prejudices
towards women in leadership; subjected to sexual harassment and abuse in their homes,
communities and at their work places and penalized for taking time off time to attend to family
emergencies or needs.
The 15 years’ Beijing Review is taking place on the heels of the commemoration of 30 years since
the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
adopted in 1979. CEDAW prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex and includes guarantees to
ensure that women and men enjoy their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights on an
equal basis with men. CEDAW (Article 2 (f) further obligates States Parties to the Convention to
"take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to modify or abolish existing laws,
regulations, customs and practices which constitute discrimination against women. Fifty–one (51)
countries in Africa have ratified CEDAW. The BPfA is one of the mechanisms through which
specific actions were proposed by UN member states to stem out discrimination against women.
The failure to meet the Beijing commitments is a clear indicator that sustainable development
cannot be achieved without the full recognition and respect for women’s rights as human rights. No
commitment is worth the paper it is written on without actions to follow. Therefore, as we enter
into the last five years of implementing the Beijing framework FEMNET is appealing to all African
women to stand up and be counted by determining to shape the future of our continent and our
own destiny. It is obvious from the experience of the last 15 years that nothing is going to change
substantially without us being fully in charge of driving the change that we desire to see. We have
to stand up against the systemic oppression that denies us equal rights and opportunities.
The African Women’s Decade (AWD) (2010 – 2020) declared by the Heads of state and government
in January 20091 presents to us a platform and opportunity to taking women’s rights in Africa a
notch higher so that it is not just the privileged few that enjoy and benefit from the positive
changes. One of the first and critical steps that we have to take is to recognize women’s agency.
Secondly, women must take leadership at different levels and ensure the implementation of
governments’ commitment to women. Thirdly, we have to further strengthen our capacities to take
actions collectively and individually at all levels as a key component of our broader strategy for
achieving systems change which requires the conscious involvement of different actors. As
Mahatma Gandhi rightly said “whatever you do may seem insignificant to the struggle, but it is
most important that you do it and do it well.” It is the sum total of all our actions that will bring us
closer to the achievement of equal rights and opportunities for women for the progress of all.
Freedom and emancipation has to start from within. It is not imposed from outside. African women
this is out time to use our strength in numbers, our creativity, resilience and various capacities to
achieve what is rightly ours.
African women who have benefited from the gains of the last fifteen years must determine on this
year’s International women’s day to open a new page and lead by the examples of those who came
before us in this struggle for equal rights and opportunities for women. The struggle though must
be without violence. However our strategies must focus on dismantling the powers of patriarchy
that hold many women in slavery and ignorance of their potential. We have to combine these
efforts with improving the mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the impact of our actions by
setting clear benchmarks for each year of the Africa Women’s Decade. As Roselyn Musa of AWDF
noted in one of her articles on the ADWF website “It is evident that we would not be able to make
much progress without a framework of knowing if and what progress we are making towards
transforming the lives of African women for the better. Advocacy has to be accompanied by
monitoring progress at different phases of the decade.”
Throughout the women’s decade they must write a different story. Adequate funding is very
crucial to making our dreams to come true. Therefore, we commend the efforts of the African
Union for the setting up a Women’s Trust Fund. This will be an additional source of the much
needed resources for programs aiming to contribute to the achievement of equal rights and
opportunities for women and girls. Africa grown initiatives to increase resources available for
women’s rights work like the Africa Women’s Development Fund (AWDF), Urgent Action Fund –
Africa and the numerous ones that exist at the national and local levels must be sustained through
our contributions in addition to those attracted form other international sources.
The gender machineries at the country level, which are mandated with the promotion of gender
equality and women’s empowerment, have to be strengthened during the Africa Women’s Decade
in order to deliver reasonably on their agenda. African women must resist the current trends of
submerging the gender entities with many other under- resourced departments within
governments. Gender machineries must remain strong entities, with strategic positioning within
governments in order to have a clear voice within the decision making structures at the highest
level. They must be led by competent personnel at ministerial and departmental levels with a track
record of work on gender equality and women’s empowerment. They must be allocated adequate
resources needed to fulfill their wide and complex mandate and provide technical support to other
ministries on how to use a two–pronged approach to gender mainstreaming. The resources must be
adequate to support comprehensive monitoring of all other ministries and government institutions
on the impact of their actions and programs on the lives of both women and men. The existing
frameworks for monitoring and evaluation of women’s rights issues which be integrated in overall
monitoring mechanisms.
Ten years may give the illusion of a long time, but the reality is that time flies. With one wink of the
eye the decade is here and with another it will be gone. It is our commitment, determination and
resolve that will make the decade goals a reality. We must be able to look back with pride and
congratulate each other with a pat on the back for having made the best use of this unique
opportunity. Therefore on this Women’s day celebration we call upon all African women to hit the
ground running.
Women and girls’ empowerment and creating an environment that is conducive to the realization
of our full potential is a responsibility of not only governments but everyone in decision and policy
making positions and every man and woman in Africa and the world over. FEMNET calls upon all
actors, government, media, civil society organizations, the private sector, and most especially
religious institutions to contribute to building an ideal society based on the principle of equal rights
and equal opportunities for all. THIS WAY WE SHALL SECURE PROGRESS FOR ALL.
Some of the things that must achieve during the AWD include:
The universal ratification and full implementation of the Protocol on the Rights of Women in Africa
(the Maputo Protocol).
The review and amendment of all laws, policies and practices that are discriminatory against women
and girls;
Unity of actors to end all forms of violence against women and girls in Africa
Building a strong team of Eminent persons that are committed to the advancement of women as one
of the critical goals and indicators for sustainable development
Share with us stories on your activities during international women’s Day. Send your stories to:
Happy International Women’s Day!!
Norah Matovu-Winyi
Executive Director, FEMNET
Violence against women is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Freedom from the threat of harassment, battering, and sexual assault is a concept that most of us have a hard time imagining because violence is such a deep part of our cultures and lives.
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Violence against women is a worldwide yet still hidden problem. Freedom from the threat of harassment, battering, and sexual assault is a concept that most of us have a hard time imagining because violence is such a deep part of our cultures and lives.
Nice blog Fatou. Keep up the good work.